Tomii Academy Ltd

P: Why Finding a Life of Purpose Should Be Our Top Goal, Part II

P: Why Finding a Life of Purpose Should Be Our Top Goal, Part II

Regular price HK$3,120.00
Regular price HK$13,649.00 Sale price HK$3,120.00
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5 Lessons, 5 Exercises, 236 pages Coursework, 7h 57m Audio

Why is finding a purpose in our lives so paramount to sustainable happiness in our lives? This is a subject that should be taught in every academic classroom and at home by every parent, but is almost completely absent in both environments. Finding purpose is critical because doing so will provide the answers to the proper pathways to education, career and wealth that is unique to each individual and that will lead many down a pathway completely off the beaten, well-worn track onto pathways never before considered. When college and university students comment that everyone on their campus seems to fit a “cookie cutter’ mold to them, this commentary is the result of such alternative choices being stripped from them. Finding purpose not only provides the foundation for lasting happiness in life, but it also will elevate the good times and ease the pain of struggle during the bad times in our lives. Having purpose will allow us to work through our struggles with stronger conviction to overcome them, as struggles are more easily overcome when we have a reason and purpose to defeat them. Many of us are taught to shun struggles instead of to face and embrace them. I believe this is the exact opposite behavior of behavior that necessarily gives life meaning. To find one’s purpose, one has to be willing to suffer real struggle in one’s life and even to seek it out if one does not encounter it, as struggle is the critical building block of character. In Part 2 of Course P, we continue the journey we started in Part 1, and build open the real-world lessons we learned in Part 1 to continue our progression in updating our Operating Systems. In Part 2, for those of you that have been exposed to negative and harmful belief patterns about not only other people, but perhaps even yourself, I provide real-world exercises that will unwind any negative behaviors of learned helplessness that you may have embraced for the majority of your lifetime. Furthermore, I will teach you how to seize control of aspects of your happiness that you perhaps never realized you could control while I teach you to also relinquish the areas outside of your control.

Learn how many of us invite negativity into our lives without even realizing it and learn the steps we must take to cut all unnecessary negativity out of our lives that have prevented us from finding our purpose thus far in life. Learn why so many of us cling to wrong and negative beliefs even when the facts are staring us in our face, and why only a willingness to engage in a period of brutally honest self-reflection is capable of repairing all damage to our Operating System inflicted by years of negative reinforcement and self-defeating behavior. Use the exercises I provide in Part 2 of Course P to complete this transformation that is only possible with a sincere desire to create a better life. Part 2 of Course P reinforces the lessons of Part I. Stop relying on the methodology of many popular self-help gurus that consist of parlor tricks demonstrated during expensive one-day seminars that trigger a flood of endorphins to create an emotional high but  never create lasting transformational change. Through Parts I and II of this course, you will understand why this journey requires a process of much greater commitment that can never be achieved over the course of a 3-day seminar.

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