Tomii Academy Ltd

A: Avoid Banker Propaganda & Thrive Financially

A: Avoid Banker Propaganda & Thrive Financially

ราคาปกติ HK$2,340.00
ราคาปกติ HK$13,650.00 ราคาโปรโมชัน HK$2,340.00
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7 Lessons, 2 Exercises, 83 pages of Coursework, 2hr 53m Audio

Though this is one of the shortest courses of my academy in terms of written and audio materials provided, I cannot emphasize its importance in elevating one’s ability to make correct decisions about his or her wealth in the future, especially during the culmination of the Central Banker currency wars at some point between 2022 and 2029, when propaganda levels will escalate to extreme levels and many will be misled into making the same mistakes that have devastated billions of people living in emerging markets. Brevity of this course definitely does not mean it should be a candidate for skipping  or marginalization of its importance. As the global currency wars intensify, Central Bankers around the world have been perpetuating, through their control of mainstream media, epic lies designed to mislead us and to break our proverbial “bank” or savings. Many people incredulously still believe the false narratives that Central Bankers are federally operated entities that act in our best interest to stabilize currencies and the economy, though these narratives are the exact opposite of their mission. Just as politicians frequently say one thing to get elected and then do the opposite thing of promised once elected, it will be important to our ability to survive the coming financial implosion of the bubble of everything to not follow banker words but to heed only their actions, which often run in direct contradiction to their words. Learn not only about critical financial misinformation spread throughout classrooms for centuries, but more importantly, learn how to avoid becoming a victim of banker propaganda that often causes investors to believe that the worst yielding assets are the best yielding assets and that the best yielding assets are among the worst yielding assets. How could this be possible? As most of you likely know, statistics can be manipulated by charlatans to illustrate and greatly distort the truth. Because the global financial world is littered with these types of shenanigans, in Course A, I will teach you how to spot them so you can avoid falling victim to them.


Most importantly, learn how you can use the truth about the global fractional reserve banking system to enable you to not only survive the final stage of the global banking currency wars that will culminate in 2022 to 2029, but with a little bit of luck and a big dose of intellectual knowledge, also enable you to prosper. By 2018, dozens of emerging market currencies had already crashed in purchasing power, and the guidance we provided from our previous consulting business allowed may of our clients that lived in these regions of the world to preserve their wealth while millions of others in those same nations lost vast amounts of their savings. Learn why Central Bankers and Commercial Bankers all over the world have propagated the myth that the best performing asset during a recent 15-year time span was the worst performing asset that one should never own, and why they promoted an asset that was one of the best assets to own as one of the worst assets to own. The vast majority of people from developed nations have done little to nothing to prepare for the contagion of massively devaluing currencies that has plagued emerging market currencies and that will spread from emerging markets to developed markets. Take this course to avoid being among them.
